Hi y'all!
Whew, it's been one hectic week for sure.
My boss is leaving the company next Thursday, and our little department has been in total upheaval ever since he told us he was putting in his notice. He's a great hands-on manager, and knows really well (for the most part) what each of our individual tasks and responsibilities are, and was always a great resource for help/advice/decision making whenever we needed it. And this week we found out how his duties are going to be divided up among us, and guess who is getting about 75% of his daily/weekly/monthly tasks??
This girl.
I feel like I'm drowning but no one can save me. I already have quite a lot of work to do as it is, plus I'm training someone on some old stuff I used to do, and this just feels like MEGA overload.
I'm sorry for complaining, but I'm actually very nervous and scared about the next few weeks (months?) at work. Some of these new responsibilities are very important and must be done correctly to make sure we report correct revenue, and expenses, and blah blah accounting stuff. I just don't want to screw anything up! It doesn't do any good for me to complain or speak up about this workload at work, because we're ALL swamped and someone HAS to do these things...
So basically, just send some positive, cheerful, encouraging thoughts my way over the next couple of months because otherwise I may have a nervous breakdown.
Anyways, so now with that off my chest, here are some other HAPPIER things from this week!
1. Walking Dead premiere last Sunday!! Ahhhhhh, it was so good! I loved this show for the 1st season, and really fell off when they were looking for Carol's little girl and ended up at that stupid farm for FOREVER and (spoiler if you've not seen past seasons of the show) then it turned out that the little girl had been there THE WHOLE TIME in that barn and was a zombie now. I mean, HOW did it take so long for one of them to have searched that barn?? Ugh, that season was the WORST and I just stopped watching it at that point. But this week's premiere was AWESOME and can I just say MORGAN!!!!! I was hoping against hope that one day he'd be back and FINALLY he is!! Catch it this Sunday if you want to get in on the zombie action!
2. I mentioned this last week - we're going downtown to see Dave Chappelle tonight!!! I'm SO excited, I really hope it will be a good show! And I saw a commercial the other day for a comedy club in the area and Charlie Murphy is here this weekend too! I wonder if they travel around doing shows together. And I know he's probably not doing any material related to Chappelle's Show skits, but all I can hope for is a little Rick James.
3. I'm hosting a little 30 day fitness challenge on Facebook! It's FREE, no cost for anything, just join us to get our buns and guns in shape in time for Thanksgiving! It's my first time hosting anything like this, so I hope I don't mess it up haha. Jump on Facebook, JOIN this event, and send a FRIEND REQUEST to me to make sure you get all my daily posts! I'd love to have you, the more the merrier!
Join my event here!!
5. I've been seriously slacking on the cooking front lately. Being so frazzled at work all day, the LAST thing I felt like doing once I got home was trying to cook dinner. So we've done a lot of frozen lasagna, frozen chicken fingers, things like that. Basically cleaning out stuff from the freezer haha. My goal for next week is to get back into my groove with cooking, and maybe even get a crockpot meal or 2 in! I love a good soup/stew or even a roast from the crockpot once the weather starts to cool off. It's easy, low maintenance, and delicious!
Thanks for stopping by and letting me vent about work problems - this was my one pity party, and now it's done and I'm moving on!
As always, a special thanks to the ladies hosting these wonderful Friday linkups! And if you haven't checked out their blogs, you TOTALLY should!!
September Farm
The Farmer's Wife
The Lauren Elizabeth
A. Liz Adventures
Hello! Happiness
Carolina Charm
The Good Life

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