Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Rainy Tuesday

Here we are...yet another drizzly, grey day here in Seattle! Surprise, surprise, right?

I am in the midst of Day 2 of my 3 Day Refresh! It's going...ok...I haven't exactly been starved or anything, but I do miss meat lol. But I'll have more info on this after I finish and post my full review at the end of the week!

I just wanted to put this out there - I love my chocolate Shakeology. And this is coming from someone who at first said NO WAY to buying it when I got my PiYo challenge pack over the summer! I was doing my low-carb thing, which was TOTALLY working, so I was like, no I don't need some shake to mess up all my progress!

I finally caved when I decided to sign up as a Beachbody coach in July, and I needed the monthly purchase to keep me as an "active" coach. I tried the sampler pack before committing to which flavor I wanted as my monthly delivery - I hadn't tried any of the flavors before, so I didn't want to buy without trying them first!

If you're considering Shakeology, the sampler pack is the PERFECT way to give each flavor a run through so you'll know which ones you like and which you don't! It's only $20, you get a packet of each of the 4 main flavors: chocolate, strawberry, vanilla and greenberry!  There's also a vegan option (yes, Beachbody has vegan Shakeology!) for the same price and comes with 2 packets of Vegan Chocolate and 2 of Vegan Tropical Strawberry. I haven't tried either of the vegan flavors, but I've heard good things!

Personally, when I tried all of the flavors from the sampler pack, I HATED the Greenberry :/ It has a sort of weird fruity, oatmeal-y taste that just wasn't my thing. But I thought the vanilla and strawberry were decent - at the time when I tried them, I didn't have any fruit to blend up with them, and I think their flavors would be improved with the addition of any kind of add-ins: strawberries, blueberries, peanut butter, sugar-free flavorings, watermelon...there are literally ENDLESS possibilities! And when you get your order of Shakeology, Beachbody gives you a little calendar sheet with a different recipe each day based on what flavor you ordered! Super helpful for those of us that aren't that creative or adventurous in the kitchen!

But back to Shakeology - what is it exactly?

Shakeology was created by Beachbody CEO Carl Daikeler and Darin Olien. They wanted to come up with "The Healthiest Meal of the Day." These guys traveled all across the world looking for the perfect healthy ingredients to include in Shakeology.

It's PACKED with good stuff:


More than 70 super-nutritious ingredients.

  • Proteins, Vitamins, and Minerals – to help reduce hunger and food cravings.
  • Antioxidants and Phytonutrients – to help detoxify and protect the body against free radical damage.
  • Adaptogen Herbs – to help increase energy and combat stress.
  • Prebiotics, Probiotics, Fiber, and Digestive Enzymes – to aid digestion and promote regularity.

Shakeology has MANY more benefits to you and your body other than just being tasty!:


Why Drink Shakeology Every Day? It can help you:

  • Lose weight – especially if you replace a meal with Shakeology every day.
  • Reduce junk food cravings – drink it in the morning to enjoy this benefit throughout the day
  • Increase your energy and feel healthier.
  • Improve your digestion and regularity.

I've found that I'm spending WAY less $$ each month on junk food, chips, candy and other crap than I used to - I just don't crave it the way I used to. I had already cut a lot of that stuff out since I started my low-carb eating, but I'd still pick up a candy bar here and there, or some ice cream, just to snack on occasionally to help keep my carb/sugar cravings away. But now that I'm drinking Shakeology on the regular, I really don't have much desire for those types of foods anymore - I NEVER thought I'd be able to say that ever!!

Shakeology may seem expensive, but I think that's all in how you look at it, and how much you really value your health. Shakeology is about $130/month. I know this sounds like a lot, but think of it like this: you're just paying for a month's worth of breakfast up front...it's not more expensive than getting Starbucks every day...and this is WAY better for you! Besides, you don't have to give up your morning coffee - just toss it in to your Shakeology!

If you're looking to lose weight, get on the right track with healthier eating, have more energy, then you should definitely give Shakeology a try! It will do ALL of these things for you. You can order your Shakeology here!


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