Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday things - Hello October!

Hello out there!

It's been kind of quiet around the blog this week, just so crazy with work :/ So I'm super glad it's almost the weekend!

1.  Fall is DEFINITELY here. The rain has stopped but the cooler temps are here to stay. Leaves are turning colors and falling to the ground, and all I want to eat is soup! I {almost} wish it would be fall all year :)

2. Met up with some friends visiting from out of town on Wednesday evening, and it was such a good time! I hadn't seen my friend Allison since she graduated college ahead of me, and now she's married and has a cute little baby! It was great to catch up with her and I'm looking forward to when she and her little family move here in December!

3. I needed a jump start back into my exercise/eating plans. I've admittedly been pretty lazy on that front lately. So I bit the bullet and ordered Beachbody's short-term "cleanse" this week. I will be starting the 3 Day Refresh on Monday! Hopefully this will help curb my cravings for all things sweet (seriously, major sweet tooth lately) and I can get started back on a regular workout schedule the right way! Stay tuned here for my review of the 3 Day Refresh later next week!


4. I'm so ready for some Alabama football tomorrow! Let's beat Ole Miss!! Should be a good game, hopefully not too edge-of-your-seat though!

5. Jeff and I went to a shooting range last Sunday, and it was a blast!! I've only shot guns a few times before, so I was a little nervous, but it was great! Except I jumped about a mile every time someone else shot their gun haha! It's definitely something I'd like to get more comfortable with, so I think we'll make it there more often!

Thanks to September Farm/The Farmer's Wife for this link up!
Have a great weekend!

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