Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday things - already?!

Hi again!

I can't believe it's Friday already...this week flew by! I hardly remember any of it haha :) I was distracted by so many things!

I hope you all had a good week as well. We're in the middle of October and fall is in full swing (at least here it is). If you live somewhere where it's still hot and humid, I'd love to send some of this fog and rain your way!

Here are a few things from my week!

1. I completed the 3 Day Refresh this week! I did it from Monday - Wednesday and lost 1.8 lbs! Weight loss wasn't my ultimate goal, but it was nice to see a little extra benefit from my suffering haha :) Check out the full HONEST review I wrote here on the blog!



2. We're going with some friends next Friday night to see Dave Chappelle do stand-up!! I am PUMPED because his material is hilarious, but I hope it wont turn into that time he did stand-up and got heckled (like they do, I mean come on) and got all upset about it and just LEFT! I would be so sad if that happened, so fingers crossed for a well-behaved crowd lol!

3. I ordered some boots last week. I didn't really need them, but I wanted some black boots because brown doesn't go with everything! I am still not-so-patiently waiting on them to arrive. I'm looking at you, USPS. I mean, how cute are these?! I sort of wish I had the $$ to have bought all the other colors too!

4. I don't know about y'all, but I'm in need of some serious selfie lessons...I tried to take a couple earlier this week to show off my new chloe+isabel earrings I bought through a friend, and NO. Just, NO. It always comes out fuzzy, and I never know where to look, and my smile is yeah, if anyone has any helpful hints on taking a good selfie, PLEASE let me know!



5. I've been super stressed this week - my boss put his notice in and will be leaving my company before the end of the month. He is the 3 Finance department manager to resign/retire/find another job in the last 3 weeks!! Needless to say, I'm nervous about taking on some of his tasks and responsibilities because I don't want to screw anything up! Makes me think I need to get back out there and start looking for a new job as well...he said he hadn't even been looking hard, just randomly doing a job search now and then. That killed me because up until about May or June of this year, I was HUSTLING trying to find a new job - applying EVERYWHERE, going on interviews, you name it. So it was a little enraging to hear that someone who was only casually job searching landed one pretty quickly! Well, I wish him the best, but I need to get my butt in gear and find me an awesome new job too!

Thanks for reading, as always :)

Please leave me a comment about anything! I'd love to hear from anyone who has been brave enough to read my blog haha

And don't forget to check out The Farmer's Wife and September Farm as they are the lovely hosts of this Friday link up!

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