Monday, September 29, 2014

Happy National Coffee Day!

Happy Monday! I guess this is the perfect day of the week for it to be National Coffee Day!

I think we all need coffee on Mondays a little bit more than on any other day, am I right?

I, for one, LOVE coffee. I NEED coffee.

I'm the type of person who usually doesn't even speak to anyone in the morning before I've had at least a sip of my coffee. It's serious yall.

I mean, what better way is there to start your day off that with a hot, creamy cup of coffee and fills the air with such a delicious smell??

Lately I've been struggling with having to choose between my morning coffee and my chocolate Shakeology (and let's be honest, coffee was winning 4 out of 5 times).

So I thought, well coffee + chocolate = mocha deliciousness, so why not combine the 2? #genius

Here's what I did:

-the night before, I brewed a single cup of strong coffee (I have a Keurig, so this was a BREEZE)
-I stuck that cup of coffee in the fridge overnight
-in the morning, instead of adding the usual 8-12 oz of water/milk to my Shakeology mix, I used the cold coffee instead!!

And voila - a rich, creamy mocha flavored breakfast shake!!

I realize this is INCREDIBLY simple. I don't know how it took me so long to figure this out, but I'm SO glad that I finally did!

Now I can get my morning caffeine shot in while also enjoying all the benefits of my Shakeology - vitamins, nutrients, fruits and veggies! No more choosing between the 2.

So enjoy National Coffee Day - lots of places are serving FREE cups of coffee today, so go get yours!

*Follow this link if you're interested in trying Shakeology for yourself!!

Trust me, you WON'T regret it. Endless flavor possibilities (5 base flavors PLUS one vegan flavor) and more vitamins/antioxidants/prebiotics than you can count!!

PLUS there's a 30 Day RISK-FREE guarantee - if you don't like it, even if you've FINISHED the bag, just call and return it for your money back!! How amazing is that??

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